What can you do today do it because there is no chance again someday!

There certainly in the life of happiness and suffering, but certainly all be completed in time ....
Activities in Makassar

Meeting the technical evaluation of teacher competency examination system online

UNBK 2018

National Exam in Xaverius Senior High School

Master Competency Test

Teacher Competency Test in Lubuklinggau City

Browsing Internet in Lab Computer

students of class XI IPA seek duties on internet

Welcoming Dance (Tari Sambut)

Traditional Culture (Dance) Indonesia, which is very interesting

Photo collection of memories

Wokshop MPBTIK in Bandung

Wokshop MPBTIK
Workshop MPBTIK (ICT-Based Learning Management) The second stage, wave to the third held in Bandung for schools RSBI (international school), activity lasted for 3 days is followed by approximately 150 representatives from throughout Indonesia

SMA Xaverius LUBUKLINGGAU, including schools selected from Lubuklinggau, South Sumatra province to be RSBI school, main event of the workshop is to create a site / school website whose contents all subjects, as well as the contents of the subject matter up with questions both practice and repetition appear on the web schools, so that students and teachers are expected to be able to log in from anywhere either from home or school.

Stepping further into Students and Teachers can always update follow anytime, so students can follow replay anytime so it is more practical and simple. Students learn from home by logging on students, teachers can check the matter with the teacher login.

After completion of our workshop is expected to socialize the program at each school, which used applications is Moodle, Xamplite. First performed in the school setting the network, install applications into the computer, registering teachers and lessons, enroll students into the system.

The second step is disseminating the program / application to teachers in each study, about how to create a module / course material and then upload, create questions and how to check the students to see and learn even come replications.

so little about my experience. thanks greetings

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